Gutter Clearance

Overflowing gutters that are full of moss, leaves or other debris could cause no end of problems to your property causing all sorts of havoc to your home.
When your gutters are full, it will cause the gutters to overflow over the edge as it can no longer flow properly and flow down the down pipe as it should do, this in turn will cause issues such as foundation damage, structural issues, and mould and mildew problems caused by water entering inside the property as it has nowhere to go.

Six tell tale signs your gutters need empting.

Full Gutters
  1. Birds pecking the moss or leaves out and leaving a mess on the floor or using the guttering as a nest as they find a full gutter to be a convenient place to make a nest
  2. Water spilling over the side is a big tell tale sign your gutters are full as the water has nowhere to go to but over the edge!
  3. Plants or trees growing in the gutter is another sign once you get seeds in there amongst other debris then you have a perfect combination for a plant or tree to grow in there!
  4. Sagging, if your gutters are sagging that can mean its full, especially when its full of debris then add water in there and it can weigh it down considerable, this could make it detach itself from the clips or facia where it supposed to clip onto. Gutters that bend away from where they hang onto means that the water will not flow towards the downpipe in which they are designed to do, not only have you got the problem of having them emptied but the added problem of getting them fixed so they point down towards the downpipe rather then bending away.
    If this happens for too long this could also cause the gutter to pull away adding even more problems!
  5. Water staining, if you get water staining on your facia boards this can be very difficult to clean off, in fact go as far as saying if they are that bad then you would need to get them replaced costing even more money!
    Not only will you get water staining on the facia boards but you can get water staining all down the side of your house, including down the brickwork this could send that staining green with algae as the water gets stagnant costing hundreds or thousands so sort out.
  6. If you can’t remember the last time they have been cleared out then they could be about due, and we recommend they are done at least once a year, at the end of the season once all the leaves have fallen/just before winter, some houses will need it done more often 2 or 3 times a year due to the location of the house.

It is important to keep up the maintenance of your gutters as you can see it can cause problems but keeping on top of it will avoid them altogether.

If you do have problems with your gutters then you can rely on us at Nottingham Cleaners to empty your gutters not only clearing them but washing them out where we can, making them 100% effective just like they were when they were new!
We will also try to repair any leaks if you still get them after cleaning out, but if the damage has been done and we can’t fix it then you will need to call a specialist in.